Graduation Requirements, Pathway Options and Exiting Credentials

Understanding the Requirements and Pathways to Graduation-A Guide for Families
In Spanish)
Information for parents about the complicated diploma options in NYS. This resource can be provided during a CSE meeting (or any time!) and fulfills the requirements for school districts to provide written information to parents, as indicated in the Part 200 Regulations.

Workforce Solution: The Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Commencement Credential
Key information about the benefits to students who earn this Certificate of Readiness for Entry-level Employment which is endorsed by the NYS Board of Regents. Parents and employers will better understand how hiring students with this certificate will bring added value to any organization.

The Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Commencement Credential
A description of the requirements to earn a Certificate of Readiness for Entry-level Employment and the possible ways to complete activities through career and technical education and/or work-based learning experiences.

4+1 Pathway Assessment Options
A chart that outlines the multiple options that students have toward meeting the assessment requirements needed for graduation with a Regents or local diploma.

The Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential
Guidelines for awarding the certificate to students with severe disabilities and the documentation of learning, experiences, skills and levels of independence to improve student opportunities upon exit from school.

New York State Education Department is committed to rethinking graduation measures

The reason for this review is two-fold. The system is not working for everyone; inequities exist for too many students – particularly our most vulnerable students – our students of color, students with disabilities, English language learners, and low-income students. The second reason is to ensure our students are engaged in school and prepared for the 21st century workforce.

It’s about ensuring that what students are learning is relevant to them, useful to society, and prepares them for college, careers and civic engagement. Our ultimate goal is to explore what it means to obtain a diploma in New York State and what that diploma should signify to ensure educational excellence and equity for all students in New York State.