Child Fatality Review Team

Westchester County multi-disciplinary professionals have been reviewing unexpected child fatalities since 2002 with the goal of preventing future deaths. In 2006, Westchester County became the fourth county in the state to have an approved Child Fatality Review Team (CFRT). The Child Fatality Review Team’s mission is to review reported child fatalities and to promote child safety in Westchester County through its subsequent comprehensive multidisciplinary examination of the cause, manner, and circumstances of a designated child’s death and to determine actions that may be taken to prevent future unnecessary deaths.

The Child Fatality Review Team brings together the resources of a multidisciplinary team of professionals including the District Attorney, the Medical Examiner, the Department of Social Services, the Department of Health, the New York State Office of Children and Family Services, Child Abuse Pediatrics, Emergency Medical Services, Victim Assistance Services and members of law enforcement, including the New York State Police and local police departments, to understand the circumstances that have led up to the death of any child. Cases reviewed include those whose deaths were reported to the New York State Central Registrar for Child Abuse and Maltreatment; or whose death is unexplained, unexpected, or suspicious.  The Westchester County CFRT is committed to examining deaths with the goal of preventing future fatalities. Toward this end, the CFRT uses its reviews to make all appropriate recommendations to promote child safety.

The Westchester Institute for Human Development (WIHD) houses the CFRT within the Department of Pediatric Forensic Services as one of 18 funded programs through the Office for Children and Family Services.